Prairie Du Rocher Saddle Club
Big Hitters:
We had a GREAT workday on May 4th with 18 workers!
The Benefit Horse Show is June 22nd! Please share our Facebook event and be reaching out for Sponsors. I have also attached the flyer if you have anywhere to hang it!
Horse Show Online Entries are OPEN!
BBQ Is August 3rd
Also - Dave Brinner has a real nice 3 horse slant load for sale!
Big Hitters:
· Kincaid Work Day is May 4th. Work starts at 9am. We will be cleaning up campgrounds and clearing trails. Dinner provided Saturday. Riding Saturday at 12pm. No drinkable water or electric but Forest Service will bring a water trailer for horses.
· Ed & Gail Boyd are hosting a weekend Trailride at Hayes Canyon the weekend of June 28th. We will ride on Saturday at 12pm and Sunday at 11am. Visit the website to reserve a spot.
· BBQ Fundraiser at Rural King is set for Saturday August 3rd.
· Horse Show committee has set the PDRSC Benefit Horse Show for June 22nd at Monroe County Fairgrounds.
Welcome to our new members
Cody Kennedy & Schela Burgdorf
Marylou Kinsey
Jeff Songer
Big Hitters:
We have hired Blossom City Band (Mandy Heinemann) with Fiddle player for 2025 Dance
BBQ Fundraiser at Rural King set for Saturday, August 3rd
Work Day at Kincaid set for Saturday, May 3rd
Horse Show tentatively set for June 22nd
New weekend Trailride @ Hayes Canyon weekend of June 28th.
Liability Signs can be found online at Rural King
Buddy Allscheid passed away in March and our prayers are with the family.